
Lyrics translated for rosalia de aqui no sales
Lyrics translated for rosalia de aqui no sales

lyrics translated for rosalia de aqui no sales
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#Lyrics translated for rosalia de aqui no sales full

They contemplate her beauty but know she's full of pain, "beautiful but sad." Passersby walk past her without really seeing her, without understanding that she is "trapped in hell." In a hell where she will inevitably perish if she doesn't find a way out. This song then speaks from the perspective of someone who observes the protagonist and knows she is a victim.

lyrics translated for rosalia de aqui no sales

There’s nobody else, she's sitting and clapping It begins with the melody of "Cry Me a River" by Justin Timberlake, who gave permission for Rosalía to use it, with the following lyrics:Īnd she’s going to burn, if she stays there This is perhaps one of the chapters most open to interpretation and one of the album's most popular songs.

#Lyrics translated for rosalia de aqui no sales free

For the woman, getting this pleasure is the only way to momentarily free herself from her prison and, paradoxically, she asks the man to subdue her with his hair, and even if it breaks she will pretend to remain bound, because she knows that his goal is to keep her under his control It is here that we understand that passion is accompanied by the aggressiveness we have seen in previous chapters. However, not even this situation completely escapes violence (which is why I put "pause" in quotation marks) because the woman, accustomed to abuse and in the middle of the situation in which she finds herself, tells the man: A frenetic moment between her and her husband, a "pause" of violence and a kind of brief honeymoon, which often occurs in abusive relationships. Yo aún no he aprendío' la manera (Ah-ah-ah)Įs demasia'o traicionera, y como ella viene, se te va (Uh-uh-uh)Īs the name suggests (Ecstasy), this chapter reflects the passion of the woman. Si quiero duermo con ella, pero nunca me la voy a casar

lyrics translated for rosalia de aqui no sales

Yo sé que será celosa, yo nunca le confiaré Lo que pasó me ha dejado en vela, ya no puedo ni pensarĮs mala amante la fama y no va a quererme de verdadĮs demasia'o traicionera, y como ella viene, se me va Si quiere’ duerme con ella, pero nunca la vayas a casar Sabe que será celosa, yo nunca le confiaré Y él tanta’ vece' que me lo decía y yo como si nadaĮs mala amante la fama, no va a quererte de verdadĮs demasia'o traicionera, y como ella viene, se te va Miles de cancione' en mi mente y él me lo notaba Pero me obsesioné con algo que a él le hacía mal Lo que pasó a ti te lo cuento, no creas que no dolió

Lyrics translated for rosalia de aqui no sales